Every country has its own bundle of joy. People mostly travel to the Gulf for jobs or education. People who are in the Gulf for their employment would mostly prefer their families along with them and later plan on settling in the gulf countries. Most people are settled in these countries with their parents, spouses, and kids based on their earnings.

While having your dependents along with you, it is necessary to ensure the safety of their loved ones. Along with health insurance for these working expats, it is very crucial to have health insurance for their dependents. For a valid visa holder in the UAE, it is mandatory to have health insurance. With respect to this, the rules applicable to health insurance for dependents vary for different layouts.

As for any other country, Dubai also follows strict regulations for health insurance for its employees. The sponsoring company must provide medical insurance for its employees. However, dependent medical insurance must be solely covered by the visa holder. Whereas, in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, the sponsoring company will provide medical insurance to its employees along with their dependents including their third child. For other regions in the UAE, the law is not mandatory to provide health insurance to the employees or their dependents.

As your value of money, it is important to search and classify for the best insurance policy for your dependents.

Basic Health Insurance Policies for your Dependents

Based on the region, we have provided a classification on the best health insurance policy suitable for your Dependents.


The basic health insurance plan is also known as the Essential Benefits Plan in Dubai. As the name, it is essential health insurance for the people of Dubai and its employees. The basic health insurance is mainly provided by 12 Insurance providers in Dubai. People residing in Dubai including its expats can have minimum insurance coverage of AED 150,000. This is applicable as per the law set by the UAE government.

Abu Dhabi

The basic health insurance policy offered by the insurance company in Abu Dhabi ensures that 50% of the premium amount for the Dependents must be incurred by the employees. This insurance covers the spouse and 3 children. The insurance for any Dependents as parents or house help should be covered by the employee directly. National Health Insurance Company offers these basic health insurance policies in Abu Dhabi.

People residing in Abu Dhabi including its expats can have minimum insurance coverage of AED 250,000. This is applicable as per the law set by the UAE government. There are insurance providers in the UAE that offer Islamic Insurance or Takaful.

Additional Benefits for Health Insurance

Most of the health insurance policies offer basic insurance schemes. Additional treatments such as dental, eye care, and vaccinations can be considered as additional schemes under these health insurances. Choosing an additional benefit as a cover to their existing health plan would be cost-effective in comparison with the expensive medical bills that arise due to any unforeseen health conditions. There are cases where the medical expenses levy a huge debt which can be exorbitant for the expats while they are in the Gulf countries.

Health Insurance is Different for Dependents

In UAE, the plan suitable for every dependent is different based on their relationship with the visa holder. A family health insurance policy is appropriate for an employee with a limited budget. It is always preferred to check with your employer and the insurance company on the rule and regulations available in the family health insurance policy along with the risk and claim formalities associated with it. Most employers in the UAE should suggest family health insurance policies as these have a lower rejection rate of claim settlement compared to the other policies for Dependents.

Apart from having the family health insurance policies which are applicable for spouses, children, parents, and house help, the insurance companies also offer policies for small families which include only the parents or house help. You may select the policy based on the requirement.

For Parent Dependents

The insurance policies for parents are a bit dicey as their chances of high risk pre-existing medical conditions. Parents that are above the age of 65 years and above, the insurance company might typically reject the provision of insurance coverage. The premium charges associated with parent dependents starts at AED 3950 (Excluding VAT). As such, we can understand that the health insurance policies covered for aged people are high compared to spouse and child.

For House Help Dependents

House help dependent insurance is very significant and to be covered by the visa sponsored. The basic health insurance policy for house help starts from AED 525 (Excluding VAT).

Health Insurance Plan Comparison

Ensuring proper comparison of your health insurance policies for different companies is key to finding the best insurance policy. Take your time, look out for options online, compare the premiums, and sum insured before finalizing any health insurance plan. Considering the international health plan would increase the scope of your coverage.

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