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A New Smart System to Pay Traffic Fines in Abu Dhabi, UAE

7078 Aug 18,2023

In order to make it simpler for drivers, Abu Dhabi Police has entered with brand-new, cutting-edge technology for paying traffic penalties. Read more!


UAE Residents Travelling to Europe are Advised to Buy Insurance as Wildfires on

6472 Aug 08,2023

Comprehensive insurance can cover additional travel and lodging costs incurred as a result of incidents like floods or fires. Read for full details!


The Premiums of Medical Insurance to Rise by Up to 20% in the UAE

6621 May 09,2023

Previously low-risk pre-existing medical issues may now be viewed with more caution. Read on for more details.


Chance of Success Through ChatGPT for Insurance Agents 2023

6751 Apr 29,2023

Find out the merits for insurance agents in 2023, the safety of applying ChatGPT in your work, and the method to use it. Read on!


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