A significant change in recent years has occurred in the role of women. Women are no longer merely housewives and mothers; they are also increasingly making a financial contribution to the family and, in some cases, providing the primary source of income owing to their successful high-powered occupations.

Both men and women can suffer from a variety of illnesses, but some of them are more prevalent and have a different effect on women. Some health-related conditions or events, such as pregnancy, menopause, and cervical cancer, are solely experienced by women. Women are also more likely than men to experience mental health disorders including sadness and anxiety.

Even the healthiest woman can suffer from this, therefore it's critical that she has enough health insurance in place. And in the UAE, where insurance is mandatory for everyone, there are a plethora of providers and packages to select from.

Women should take these specific health issues into consideration when choosing the best health insurance in Dubai.

Verify That the Plan Offers Regular Health Checkups

There are a number of tests that all women, regardless of age, should undergo on a regular basis. But, each woman's needs for health check-ups will vary. A few of these include:

Breast self-examinations

Twice-yearly dental checkups

Annual blood pressure tests

Pap tests and gynaecological examinations.

Morphology, blood sugar, urinalysis, and ESR.

Your health insurance may provide coverage for preventative health exams as part of your wellness programme. The majority of international health insurance in Dubai includes coverage for particular preventative examinations like yearly physical exams, which include gynaecological tests for women.

Understand Your Health Issues

Absolutely, certain health issues are more likely to affect certain women than others. Certain trends and challenges relating to women's health are important to be aware of if you are new to the UAE. The following are the main health problems that UAE women face:

Heart disease: 

Heart disease is the greatest cause of death for women worldwide and in the UAE, despite the fact that the condition is frequently associated with men. Even if you haven't noticed any symptoms, routine health checks are crucial if you have a family history of heart disease.

Cervical cancer: 

The fourth most frequent illness in women is cervical cancer. The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a major contributor to cervical cancer. The HPV vaccine is not mandatory in Dubai, but it is highly recommended for women get vaccinated for cervical cancer prevention.

Reproductive health:

Many clinics in Dubai offer prenatal, antenatal, and postnatal care to pregnant women. It is imperative for women to be aware of common reproductive health issues in the UAE. Among the other major problems with female reproductive health in the UAE are endometriosis, fibroids, and PCOS.


This disorder causes the bones to become brittle and is highly frequent in women (affecting about 1 in every 4 women over the age of 50).

Mental health: 

Sleep difficulties, sadness, and anxiety are among the side effects of chronic stress that women in the UAE are more prone to experience. Natural hormonal changes may cause, worsen, or even start sadness or anxiety.

While looking for the best health insurance in Dubai for women, it's critical to be completely aware of your health concerns in order to choose a plan with the appropriate benefit limits that will accommodate your individual treatment requirements.

Selecting a Low-Deductible Plan

Low-deductible plans may be an excellent option if you are at risk of developing any of the above illnesses. In addition to reducing your premiums, lowering your deductibles means fewer out-of-pocket costs for treatments. For those who anticipate the need for frequent care in the future, this may be the most suitable option.

Are the Benefits of your Maternity Insurance in Dubai Sufficient?

Dubai is an expensive place to give birth. A C-section delivery can cost up to AED 27,138, whereas a regular birth can cost up to AED 14,000 in some cases. Yet even then, there are still unaccounted-for fees for pregnancy exams and scans.

Despite the fact that Dubai's required health insurance programme includes maternity insurance coverage, it's crucial to remember that Dubai's minimum legal requirement for an annual claims limit is only AED 150,000. 

This amount is frequently too low for policyholders, so if you only find a policy with the bare minimum in coverage, you'll probably have to pay a sizeable portion of the cost of maternity care out of pocket.


The easiest approach to discovering the greatest health insurance for women is to speak with a reliable insurance broker in Dubai. Coverage with a low deductible option is something else you might want to think about. 

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