Insurance companies in UAE and around the world weigh a list of factors when fixing the rate a policyholder must pay for car insurance online or offline. However, once you get one, motor insurance online or offline premiums might go down after a while.

Factors That Affect Car Insurance Premiums

Insurance companies in Dubai and other parts of the world truly consider the following factors when calculating the cost of motor insurance online or offline. The insurance provider has the right to increase the premium or cancel the policy fully if it finds any difference in the details given by policyholders.

The car's characteristics, model, and variant

The type and model of the car are the major factors used to fix the auto insurance premium. Due to the pricey spare parts that are included in luxury and expensive vehicles, insurance companies in UAE and around the world frequently charge higher premiums for these vehicles.

Concerned insurance firms or insurance broker in Dubai and other regions would have to spend more money on repairs in the event of damage. However, insurance companies charge a low premium if such automobiles are built with improved safety features, as the likelihood of car damage lowers.

car insurance in uae

Driving history and age of the driver

The age of the driver is the next important factor to take into account when analyzing a car insurance premium. According to a number of reports, people under the age of 25 will certainly pay more for their car insurance in Dubai and other regions than those who are over the legal limit.

According to the majority of insurance companies, people in this category are more likely to be in accidents since they typically lack driving expertise. In addition, insurance companies in UAE charge a higher rate for motor insurance for people who are over 25 yet have less driving experience.

The car's history

Your car's history also has a crucial impact on the cost of your car insurance Abu Dhabi and other parts of the world. An insurance provider may impose a higher premium if a car has been involved in many collisions or the driver has earned numerous fines for moving infractions. Please note that higher premiums may also be assessed if the driver has a history of filing many claims.

Expenses or deductibles

Another crucial aspect that affects the cost of motor insurance online or offline is the excess or deductible. It is essentially the sum that the policyholder must pay before the provider covers the claim’s balance. The cost of motor insurance falls as the deductible increases, and vice versa.

Agencies or non-agencies repair

It is vital to add repairs to your coverage when purchasing auto insurance in the UAE. Policy buyers have the choice of either agency or non-agency repairs. People must select agency repair if they wish to have their car repaired by the manufacturer's authorized dealer.

A non-agency service is one that is carried out in independent garages or workshops and is authorized by the relevant motor insurance company. In general, the premium for those who want their coverage to cover agency repairs is greater.


Riders are extras that you can buy on top of your standard plans. Some add-on coverage from car insurance companies in Dubai and the whole world has a fixed price, while others are offered without charge. The cost of your insurance will go up if you select add-ons that cost a certain amount.


When determining auto insurance premiums in the UAE, the location where the vehicle will be driven is also considered. For instance, you would pay a higher premium if your automobile was registered in a city with underdeveloped infrastructure because it would be more likely to be involved in accidents or sustain general damages.

When Does New Driver Car Insurance Reduce?

Now, we already know that the age of the policyholder has a big impact on how much vehicle insurance rates vary. In the UAE, 18 is the minimum age to drive. But regardless of age, there are some factors that can cause the cost of auto insurance to be different for men and women.

If a male driver is under 25 years old, insurance companies in UAE and other regions of the world typically charge a higher rate for auto insurance. According to statistics, insurance providers view male drivers as being more dangerous to insure than female drivers. However, people are viewed as safer drivers by the time they are between the ages of 26 and 30. As a result, the cost of automobile insurance for people in this age range decreases.

The reduced prices may also change based on the driver's level of experience. For drivers with low experience, car insurance companies typically demand a higher price; on the other hand, experienced drivers can typically get the plan at a reduced rate.

We are all aware that there are numerous insurance companies in UAE, but it is up to you to choose a reputable one. Not to worry! One of the best-known insurance companies in Dubai and the UAE,, is professional in every area. Ensure your car insurance Abu Dhabi and the UAE with us and remain secure with a solid financial position! We provide 30,000+ vehicle insurance policies with quick and simple processes for uploading information, comparing quotes, paying, and getting the policy. We also guarantee no-cost registration assistance, incredibly straightforward claims, quick and simple processing, and committed customer support.

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