Driving discipline is taken very seriously in Dubai. Traffic violations are treated seriously by the road and public transportation in Dubai, which also punishes the offenders. 

The traffic authorities in Dubai have implemented a comprehensive list of traffic and driving rules to ensure the traffic flow and reduce unfavorable traffic incidents as much as possible. Despite the growing number of vehicles on the highways, these driving regulations guarantee everyone's safety. 

The rules are essentially the same throughout all of the Emirates. However, there could be a small variation in the Dubai police traffic fines and punishments imposed for breaking those laws.

Major Traffic Fines In Dubai

Major traffic violations carry severe fines and punishments, including "black points" that are permanently recorded on your driving record and can lead to the termination of your license.

Car Insurance in Dubai

Driving While Using A Mobile Phone: The fine for mobile users is one of the most frequent penalties imposed by the Dubai police for traffic violations. By increasing it to 800 dirhams and adding four black points to the driver's license, Only 200 dirhams were earlier.

Drunken Driving: This is one of the most serious offenses in the UAE, and when the court finally determines the fine to be imposed, your vehicle will probably be impounded by the police for up to 60 days. Also, remember that any incident or accident that happens while you are intoxicated will not qualify as a legitimate insurance claim.

Driving-Related Fatalities: Any claim submitted under your insurance coverage will be denied if your driving causes a fatality. This is a criminal offense with severe punishment. The Police will also impound your car for 60 days.

Leaving A Scene Of An Accident: You should respond and take all necessary actions, such as notifying the police, ambulance, or fire department as needed, if you are involved in any type of accident or traffic issue. 

Along with that, you should share insurance information with the concerned third parties. Failure to abide by the rules will result in at least a fine, which can be anywhere from AED 500 for small cars and AED 1000 for big trucks.

Over-Speed: Even though many Dubai roads have liberal speed limits, some drivers nevertheless decide to go above the limit. Overspeed is strictly forbidden in Dubai, despite how alluring it may seem. These fines and penalties start at AED 3,000 and include 23 black points on your record if you were driving a light vehicle, and a 30-day police seizure.

Driving Recklessly Through Traffic Signals: Jumping a red light or violating any other traffic signal can result in severe RTA fines, which vary depending on the type of vehicle that was being operated at the time of the offense. 

AED 3,000 in fines and a one-year license surrender to the RTA are required for large vehicles. The penalty drops to AED 1,000 for light vehicles, with car detention for 30 days and 12 black points. If you run a red light while operating a two-wheeler, you'll be subject to  AED 1,000 fine, 12 black points, and a 31-day vehicle impoundment.

Driving A Vehicle Without A Valid Registration: In Dubai, having a valid registration and driver's license is required. If you can't present these papers, you risk having your vehicle detained for up to 17 days, paying a fixed penalty fee of AED 500, and receiving four black points on your record.

Driving Without A Valid License Plate: You will receive 24 black points and an AED 3000 fine.

Using The Vehicle For Any Purpose Other Than What It Was Intended For: You are only allowed to use your car for traveling to and from work, as well as for social, domestic, and recreational purposes. 

Any other use of your car, such as the employment or reward of passengers or the transfer of products, needs a specific license. If you break these restrictions, you'll be subject to a Dubai Traffic fine of AED 3,000 and 24 black points on your driving record.

Reckless Driving: Driving carelessly or recklessly that might endanger people, property, or both will result in 23 black points and a fine of 2000 AED.

Best Way To Contest Traffic Fines In Dubai

There are several ways to challenge a traffic fine in Dubai. A traffic fine can be contested if you believe it was improperly assessed. However, you should have adequate evidence to assert that the fine was incorrectly assessed.

1. Visit the General Directorate of Traffic's head office. Located in Al Quoz Industrial Area 3.

2. Alternatively, you can express your grievances by dialing +971-4-606-3555.

3. Visit the RTA, the Ministry of Interior (MOI), or the Dubai Police's official websites.

Procedure For Contesting A Traffic Fine In Dubai

Filing a complaint:  Making a complaint is the first step in disputing the fine. You have the option of contesting the traffic fine online or by going in person to the General Directorate of Traffic headquarters, where you must provide all necessary information about the fine and your vehicle.

Committee Formation: When you submit a complaint, a committee is formed to review your case. There are six government representatives, two traffic control officers, a deputy general at the traffic department, a financial supervisory general headquarters of Dubai police representative, a fines officer, and a legal affairs representative.

Traffic Prosecution Department: If you disagree with the committee's judgment, you can pay AED 20 to the court, and with the help of the traffic prosecution department, they will reconsider your case. 

You must present your case to the court on the day set by the court, giving them all the necessary information. Since this is the last step in the process, the court's decision whether it is favorable to you or not cannot be contested.

Obey Safety Rules And Avoid Unnecessary Fines

Traffic violations are not allowed in Dubai. You risk having your license suspended for up to a year and facing severe fines if you violate the law and drive dangerously. 

Now that you have a clear understanding of the consequences of different violations, you may try to prevent them. For you and the millions of other drivers you share the road with, it is always preferable to drive safely.

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