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Sharjah Launched A Health Insurance System Including Parents of Emirati Employees

5806 Jan 19,2023

The third phase of the health insurance system focuses on the parents of Emirati workers in Sharjah's public sector and the Police are also included.


Companies in the UAE Can Pay for Job Loss Insurance on Behalf of Employees

6033 Jan 19,2023

Now UAE firms can pay for job loss insurance on behalf of employees. Are there better perks for employees who pay higher premiums? Find now!


A Crucial Speed Limit Change on Dubai Key Road: RTA

6126 Jan 16,2023

RTA announcement with immediate effect, the Dubai-Hatta Road's posted speed limit has been lowered from 100 km/h to 80 km/h. Go into detail!


All Employees in the UAE Need Job Loss Insurance from 2023: UAE Ministry

6269 Jan 13,2023

The new UAE rule is in force! All employees must get job loss insurance from 2023, as the ministry announces. Are you eligible to receive it? Find now!


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