
Abu Dhabi Deploys Space Laser Technology to Measure Vehicle Emissions

6750 Feb 13,2023

Plan to install a hi-tech device at six locations in the capital to monitor pollutants emitted from the exhaust pipes of vehicles in real-time.


UAE and Bahrain Are Ready to Share Data on Drivers' Traffic Violations

6696 Feb 10,2023

The UAE and Bahrain are prepared to share information about drivers’ traffic violations. What are the other features of this new move?


Do's and Don'ts When Choosing Insurance for your Start-Up Businesses

6859 Feb 10,2023

Choosing the right insurance for your start-up business can be a daunting task. This guide will provide you with the dos and don’ts when selecting an insurance policy.


Reasons Behind UAE Motorists Pay Higher Vehicle Insurance Premiums

7214 Feb 09,2023

Here we explain why motorists in the UAE are paying higher vehicle insurance premiums. It’s crucial to notice the changes in the market


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