Motor Insurances

An insurance policy that offers the policyholder against any financial losses to the vehicle due to an accident, theft, or other damages. Unlike other insurances, motor insurance is a mandatory insurance policy. Get further details on motor insurance from our website. Simple tips on avoiding car being over insured, tips on savings on car insurance, general car insurances and lot more are available.

When Should You Purchase Car Insurance in the UAE?

5922 Dec 06,2022

Deciding when to buy a car might also help you decide when to purchase car insurance.


Get and Renew Your Driving License in Abu Dhabi

6005 Nov 28,2022

A Complete Guide to get and renew your license in Abu Dhabi


Pros and Cons of Switching Car Insurers

5732 Nov 23,2022

Let's have a look at the pros and cons of switching insurance companies.


Eight Insurers Joined to Raise Motor Insurance Prices in the UAE

6285 Nov 16,2022

The premium rates for all types of car insurance policies increased, according to a group of insurance companies. They are expecting more support from the industry.


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