Motor Insurances

An insurance policy that offers the policyholder against any financial losses to the vehicle due to an accident, theft, or other damages. Unlike other insurances, motor insurance is a mandatory insurance policy. Get further details on motor insurance from our website. Simple tips on avoiding car being over insured, tips on savings on car insurance, general car insurances and lot more are available.

Car Insurance Cancellation In UAE

6219 May 11,2022

Can your Car Insurance Get Canceled in UAE?


Parked Car Accidents In UAE - Everything You Need To Know

8316 May 07,2022

Accidents can happen at any time, even when the vehicles are parked. Read more to learn more about parked car accidents in UAE.


Planning For A Road Trip? Prepare Your Car Too!

6051 Apr 26,2022

Going for a road trip is one of the best feelings in the world! But is your car ready for it?


Car Insurance Overlap : Everything you need to know

11491 Apr 20,2022

Let's see how to switch insurance plans strategically to prevent insurance overlap in this article.


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