Motor Insurances

An insurance policy that offers the policyholder against any financial losses to the vehicle due to an accident, theft, or other damages. Unlike other insurances, motor insurance is a mandatory insurance policy. Get further details on motor insurance from our website. Simple tips on avoiding car being over insured, tips on savings on car insurance, general car insurances and lot more are available.

How to renew Mulkiya in Abu Dhabi?

12790 Apr 13,2022

Mulkiya is a car registration card issued by the UAE to vehicle owners. Let's see the renewal procedures of Mulkiya in UAE.


Everything you need to know about teenage car insurance in UAE

6316 Apr 01,2022

According to the UAE Road Transport Authority, a motor insurance is required for driving a car in the UAE, regardless of your age or driving experience.


Does your credit score affect your car insurance premium?

6181 Mar 29,2022

Insurance rates for identical cars bought on the same day can differ. Have you ever wondered why?


Grace Periods and Car Insurance: Everything You Need to Know

6284 Feb 28,2022

Taking a car insurance policy in the UAE is obviously important. But what happens if you have missed your monthly payment? Are you going to face any troubles?


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